The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Wednesday Evening, February 15, 1933 Page Eight Valentine Party is Lawrence Coeds Select Four Best-Loved Girls Club Music Department Will Meet Quilting Quest is Next Week Hooyman was in charge of games, and refreshments were served. Miss Esther Ronning is the leader. A short program was given including songs by Joan Woodworth and a clarinet solo by Dorothy Wood-worth. A sleighride party will entertain members of the Pine Tree troop Wednesday night. Refreshments will be served at All Saints church after the ride.

Miss Helen Wilson is the leader. The home nursing course for Girl Scouts will close next Tuesday when the examinations will be Held by Girl Scouts Wild Rose troop of Girl Scouts held a Valentine party Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Dor othy Leece, N. Durkee-st. Valen- ines were exchanged and games were played. Nechee troop of Wilson Junior high school was entertained at a Valentine party Tuesday.

Virginia John Finkle, and at dice by Mrs. C. E. Burgess. Mrs.

Flora Williams was chair man of the dinner committee. At the short business session which followed the dinner plans were made for a rummage sale next Tuesday at the Congregational church with Mrs. Agnes Dean in Initiation will take place Feb. 28. A Recipe For eludes Mrs.

H. Weller, Mrs. Claude Van Abel, and Mrs. Herman Eggert of Appleton, met in the afternoon. Those who attended from Appleton were Mrs.

Eggert, Mrs. Weller, Mrs. Van Abel, Mrs. Pat Ferguson, Mrs. Ed Deichen, and Mrs.

George Mensinger. Final plans for the dance to be given by the soft ball team of Loyal Order of Moose next Saturday for Moose and their friends were made at the lodge meeting Tuesday night at Moose hall. Dancing will take place from 8 to 12 o'clock, and music will be provided by an orchestra of Moose members. A report of the auditing committee was given. It was decided to send two or more teams to the state bowling tournament of Moose in Fond du Lac the first part of April.

Anyone interested hv joining may notify H. BrockJ Twenty-two members were present at the meeting. A Valentine supper and card party for T. Reeve circle, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, was attended by 80 persons Tuesday night at Odd Fellow hall. Prizes at bridge were won by Miss Sarah Jones and Miss Katherine Derby, at schafkopf by C.

E. Burgess and Mrs. Banquet at Moose Hall Is Tonight WOMEN of the Moose will hold a banquet at 6:30 Wednesday evening at Moose hall. Entertainment will be provided during the dinner, and cards will follow. The committee in charge includes Mrs.

Hulda Kunitz, Mrs. Marie Cavert, and Mrs. Theresa Leftwich. Eight tables of cards were in play at the open card party given Tuesday afternoon at the hall. Prizes at schafkopf were won by Mrs.

Meta Schmirler and Mrs. Katherine Beschta, and at bridge by Mrs. Alberta Wenzel and Mrs. Margaret Ward. There will be another party next Tuesday.

Six members of Delta chapter, Employes Mutual Benefit association, attended a party for new officers and directors of chapters Tuesday at the Hotel Medferd in Milwaukee. A dinner was served at noon to 42 members of chapters from Milwaukee, Waukesha, Water-town, Appleton, and Kenosha, and from Iron Mountain, Mich. Old members of the board met in the morning, and the new members of the governing body, which in- Just spread Quality Club Wafers with our good, juicy, home-made Peanut Butter and add sliced partially cooked Bacon on top. Put under broiler or in a very bot oven until bacon is crisp, and serve immediately. It's the fresh, original Peanut Oil in our Peanut Butter, that makes this appetizer so appetizing.

It's the same reason why we. sell over 100 pounds of our Peanut Butter each other party for the same cause on April 25. Christian Endeavor society of Emmanuel Evangelical church entertained at a Valentine party Tuesday evening at the church, with young people of the Neenah church as guests. Harold Finger led community singing, and a program of games was carried out. Refreshments were served to about 50 persons.

Mrs. John Derus, Kaukauna, entertained 30 friends at her home Tuesday night in honor of Miss Anna Wonders, Little Chute, who will be married Feb. 18 to George Phillips, Kaukauna, at St. Patrick church, Neenah. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs.

Robert Nusshart and Mrs. Peter ReicheL Miss Elsie Aures, 1108 Law-rence-st, entertained at a birthday and hard time party Monday night at her home. Sixteen guests were present Dice was played and prizes won by Clara Fredericks and Helen Shackelford. Ada Neissing won the prize for the best costume. Ladies Aid society of St Joseph church will sponsor a card party at 2:30 Thursday afternoon at the parish hall Schafkopf, bridge, and plumpsack will be played and Miss Lorraine Quella will be in charge.

A Valentine party entertained the John McNaughton class of the Methodist church Tuesday night at the church. Mr. and Mrs. G. A.

Sell were in charge of the event. Forty members attended. Auxiliary to Spanish War Veterans will sponsor an open card party at 2:30 Thursday afternoon in the basem*nt of Appleton State Bank. Schafkopf, bridge, and dice will be played'. Carpenters' local, No.

955, will hold a dancing party Wednesday night at Trades and Labor hall for members and their friends. Dancing will begin at 8:30. PEANUT Fresh made while you wait, in your jar Per Lb. 1016 E. Pacific St.

Prompt Delivery Service "BUY AMERICAN 9 ANTIGO DOCTOR DIES Antigo (ff) Dr. E. J. Donohuc, 53, died here today following an illness of several months. Free Fish Fry Tonight.

Rohloff's, E. Wis. Ave. Minute Appetizer BUJWEE1 ESQ 25' Phone 6600 or CG01 Henry Tillman, Prop. MADE GOODS' THE PHOENIX" HOSIERY CLUB A NEW IDEA THAT SAVES YOU MONEY ON YOUR HOSIERY 1 Miss Estelle Kaphingst won the prizes at The club will be entertained by Miss Keller in two weeks at Mueller's tea room.

Love of country, of home, of and romantic love were discussed at a meeting of the Girl Re serve association at the Home of Miss Mary Schmidt, 1212 E. Ope chee-st Tuesday evening. Miss Marjorie Meyer, president presid-ded, and hostesses were Miss Schmidt and Miss Joan Peotter. Ba Zey club met Tuesday night with Miss Signe Winnerstrand, N. Oneida-st.

Miss Stella Murray and Miss Hilda Boldt won the prizes at bridge. The next meeting will be next Tuesday af the home of Mrs. Joseph Belling, E. Wisconsin-ave. 99 Announcing THE second meeting of the newly reorganized music department of Appleton Woman's club will take place at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the club house.

A program will be given under the direction of Mrs. Agnes Dean, and tea will be The music department is open to any member who is interested in music, and meets every third Thursday at the club house. Mrs. H. L.

Krieger is director of the chorus. Mrs. Bert Dutcher is chairman of the department. Another of the departments of the club which is open to any member interested in the Better Homes department of which Mrs. J.

R. Whitman is chairman. Mrs. Wilmer Schlafer is sub chairman. Miss Margaret Reitzner, 227 S.

Outagamie-st, entertained the Variety club Tuesday night at her home. Michigan rummy was played and prizes won by Miss Lucille Buck and Miss Mildred Schinke. The club will meet in two weeks with Miss Schinke, 1124 N. Rich-mond-st Playmore Bridge club met Tuesday night with Mrs. Russell Petersen, E.

Circle-st Miss Edna Strey and Mrs. Harvey Kuschel won the prizes, and guests were Miss Muriel Belling, Miss Vera Moeller, and Mrs. Rennie Burmeister. The club will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Carl Peotter, 505 S.

Pierce-ave. Mrs. Melvin Miller, Little Chute, entertained the Four Leaf Clover club Tuesday afternoon at her home. Prizes at 'cards were won by Mrs. Max Eggert and Mrs.

Joseph Boelsen. The club will meet next Tuesday with Mrs. Paul Neuman, N. Alvin-st. Mrs.

Maurice Suess E. Wiscon-sin-ave," entertained the Ace High Bridge club Tuesday evening at her home. Miss Katherine Keller and 'One day a Mrs. R. Hughes washed with one box of Lux farther.

itttM pure "All my spare ings. Sometimes they'd go at the ing stockings of the strain, gives took her advice bills are half give me YOU, TOO, runs and Simply each night. so it gives instead This easy Try it tonight DRESSED as ueorge ana mar-tha Washington and James and Dolly Madison, the four best loved girls of Lawrence college will be honored at the annual Colonial banquet at 6 o'clock Thurs day night at Conway notet Tne cirhs were chosen by vote of the women of the student body Tues-rfav. but their identities will not be disclosed until Thursday night Miss Marauente woodwortn, dean of women at Lawrence, will be the sneaker of the evening, her subject to be "Candle Ends and Toasted Cheese:" Miss Viola sper-ka, a junior, will be toastmistress. Vocal duets will be presented by the Misses Alva Bostrum and Oladvs Schaefer.

students of Law rence Conservatory of Music. Mothers of the four best-loved girls have been invited to attend the banquet. Parties' Miss Agnes Viotto, 917 W. Frank- lin-st, was honored at a birthday party Tuesday evening at her home. Those present were the Misses Ruth Nau, Margaret Reider, Margaret Tennle, Helen Van Berkel, Lucille Beschta, Dorothy Lewis, and Gla dys Hove, Alfred Nabbefeldt, Har vey Lembcke, John Van Ryzxn, William Kettenhofen, Milon End-ter, Francis Femal and Joseph Viotto.

Dancing and games provided the entertainment prizes going to Miss Margaret Reider, Miss Helen Van Berkel, Miss Gladys Hove, Harvey Lembcke, John Van Ryzin, and Francis Femal. Troop 1 of Boy Scouts of St. Joseph's parish sponsored a benefit "On to Camp" card party Tuesday night at St. Joseph halt Prizes at schafkopf were won by Mrs. Joseph LaFond, Miss Marie Heineman, Charles Glanders, Peter Vollmer, Miss J.

Edwards, and Mrs. Ella Booth, at bridge by Miss Marie Dohr, Leo Rechner, and Miss Lilas Dohr, at plumpsack by Mrs. Peter Dohr, and at dice by Mrs. Mary Walker. The Scouts will hold an Now Miss Cordelia Gurnet cuts down stocking bills try her easy 2-minutc way! ILlDX cash used to go for stock I'd get a tun, sometime heel or toe.

I i saleswoman suggested wash if THE fourth annual -quilting quest" of the Methodist Social Union will be held next Tuesday at the church, beginning at 2:30 and continuing through the supper hour until 9:30 in the evening. This year the articles and arrangements will be different from those of former years, and an exhibit of dolls will be added to the reguUr features. Old and modern dolls as well as those of foreign design will be on display. All captains and mates of the various crews of the Social Union will take turns at being hostesses.

Mrs. J. G. Rosebush and Mrs. C.

F. Hyde and their groups will have charge of a Colonial bedroom display in the south transcept of the dining room. Mrs. Margaret De Long is general chairman of the evening, Mrs. George Nixon will have charge of the tea, and Miss Esther Miller is chairman of the doll display.

At various times during the afternoon, a tSlk will be given on the urig'n of dolls, for which a new history of dolls, which has been secured through the public library, will be used. Arrangements are ixing mode to have the children attend the doll display after school. Anyone having dolls, quilts, "hook ruRsv or 'heirlooms of any kind which she. is willing to lend for the display may notify Mrs. Dc Long, Mrs.

Nixon, or Mrs. J. R. Denyet. All articles must be at the church by 9 o'clock Tuesday morning.

Mrs. Harold Heller gave the program on Indians at the meeting of Women's Missionary society of Memorial Presbyterian church Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Wood, E. Washington- ons buchbuu jncuan music, u-liLvtrailng with piano numbers. Thirteen members were present "Mrs.

F. F. Martin led the devotions, and assistant hostesses were Mrs. George Catlin and Mrs. H.

T. Johnson. The fctudy group of the society win meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wood, E. Washing ton-fct.

The hostesses will have charge of the program, which will oe two tnapters from the book, "Facing the Future with the American Indian." Women of the New Testament was the subject of talk frivon hv Mrs. Fidelia Cargill, St. Paul, before members of all women's organizations of All Saints Episcopal church Tuesday afternoon at the Guild ill. About 150 women were present, The talk was sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the church. Mrs.

Cargill went to Menasna Tuesday night where she gave a talk at a meeting of church school teachers of St. Thomas parish. Ap-pleton church school teachers were guests of the Menasha women. Mrs. CargiU went to Oshkosh today where she will give talk at the Episcopal church.

The committee' in charge of the dinner and supper to be served Thursday noon and evening at First English Lutheran parish hall will meet at 7:30 Wednesday night to moke final arrangements for the event. Mrs. Clarence Schultz is chairman of the kitchen committee, and Mrs. Waller Iteetz has charge of the dining room. Serving will take place from 11 to 2 o'clock at noon, and from 5 to 8 o'clock In the evening.

Sunday school teachers will meet at 7 o'clock Thursday night in the parish halL a The disciples, James and Simon, will be discussed by Mrs. IP. F. Stallman and Mrs. Roy Morris at the meeting of the Friendship class of the Baptist church at 7:30 Thursday night at the home of E.

W. Turney. 1314 W. Tine-st. Hard time costumes will be worn and a prize will be awarded, for the best one Valentine decorations will be used Mrs.

Henry Gillette is in charge of the social. Thirty-five members of C. V. W. of First Congregational church met for a Valentine supper Tuesday night at the home of Mrs.

Leslie Pease, 211 N. Drew-st. Games pro vided the entertainment At the next meeting Dr. Louis C. Baker, of the romance language department of Lawrence college, will be the and Norbert Franz will provide special music.

A talk on Soup Carving and White at the meeting of Boy Scouts of the Methodist chusch Tuesday night at the church. The stewardship council of the church met at 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. A Valentine card party for mem- utTs ana menas win louow- xne fhort business meeting of the Blessed Virgin sodality at St. Therese church Thursday night The meeting will open at 7:30 and the party will start at 8 o'clock. Ladies Aid society of St.

Matthew church will meet at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the church parlors. Hostesses will be Mrs. H. Lowen- hagen, Mrs. George Abendroth, Mrs.

George Bergman, Mrs. August Boel-ter, and Mrs. William Baehman. Dr. J.

R. Deriyes' adult Bible class of Memorial Presbyterian church will meet at 8:10 Thursday evening at the church. Anyone interested, whether or not he as attended before, is invited. The Sewing circle of St John Evangelical church will meet at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Freiberg, 313 W.

Commercial-st Mrs. A. Haase will be assistant hostess. Women's Christian' Temperance Union will meet at 2:30 Thursday afternoon at the home of Miss Ida Hopkins, 820 E. North-st This will be a business meeting.

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The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.