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Free Trial
- Publication:
- The Lexington Heraldi
- Location:
- Lexington, Kentucky
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 3
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Tuesday May 9 1916 THE LEXINGTON HERALD PAGES AMERICAN CAVALRY SENT TO RAID SCENE KsSsSiKENTUCKIAN IS Si by two children fcS M- and Harber local bardware merchant The Business Association I neid a meeting tonight to hear from tne committee that ronvaeeed the city to offer for the E1nmPn'it Captain Gibson II arrive tomorrow to Inspect what Richmond hag to offer in rrup la a 1 in of to Stan -k y' lit- it MARIAN COLE FISHER A National Authority on the Subject of PURE FOODS and the ART OF COOKING nut cted baar onal utes of 'arU I (ary lock -An- I and lock :1 I -V- 1 MMAM cole FISHEPs cent an ounce These are even less de-" slrsble than the hlgh-prioed goods I-ran cay nothing In their favor They re never economical frequently leaving tho baking bleached and aold: sometimes ysllow and alkaline and often unpalatable They are not dependable and represent false economy at any price -The inoat simple way for the housewife te class baking powder la by pries The trust goods that retail for 4a or 60e a pound are usually the eream of tartar powders and are of the old school: and the cheap and Blg Can kind that sell all the way from 10a a pound up to a cent an ounca should also he avoided -The last word In baking powder Is the happy mediant a combination powder that eells at a moderate price and when properly prepared gives the consumer full value for the money result in baking Is pure wholesome food without any harmful residue There la no reason why any housewife should pay 4Bo or 50o per pound Ths best baking powder mode can be manufactured no as to retail at about this price" i On being ashed what baking powdef she used In her work Marian Cols Fisher frankly stated that for mors than seven years she had used Calumet Baking Powder with the moat natlafae tory results In every particular the present augur for a Mg season A number of plug horses were for sals on the streets but very few were purchased Novelty sellers did a rushing business and Indication: ore that they made more sales than at any court dsy during the present year GET RID OF BLACKHEADS SURE Thera is one simple safe and sure way that nsvsr fails to gt rid of blackheads and that la to dissolve thsm To do this gat about two ounces of plain powdered neroxln from any drug eprlnkle a little on a hot wet eponge rub over tha blackheads briskly ash tho parts and yon will bo sur prised bow the blackboado have disappeared Big blackheads lltflo blackheads no matter whor* they are simply dissolve and disappear leaving tha parts without any mark whatever Blackheads ere simply a mixture of dust and dirt and aaarettons fron tha body that form In tho pores of tho skin Plsahlng and squealing only cause Irritation make large pores and de not get tke blackheads out after they brooms hard Tho powdered neroxln and the water simply diseolva the blackheads so they wash right out leaving the pores fro and clean and In their natural eondltkm Anyone troubled with these unsightly blemishes should certainly try this simple method Advertise moot) Tablets Have Dona Woolen for have been a sufferer frsn stouiaeh trouble for a number of years and although I have used a great number of remedies recommended for this complaint Chamberlain' Tablets is tha first medicine that boo given me positive end lasting writes Mra Anna KMta Spenoorport Tablets have don wonders for me and value them very Obtainable everywhere gov BIG MEET TOMORROW Kentucky College Teams to (let Together in Track and Field Events GEORGETOWN Ky May A telegram waa received here Monday! from Dayton Ohio by Robert Wheeler announcing the critical condition of bis son Keller who went to the Ohio city a few montha ago to accept a position after graduating at the High School of Midway The young man la Buffering from a fractured skull resulting from being struck by an unknown negro aa he was walking down the street the night before with two young women After knocking young Wheeler Into Insensibility the negro slapped the face of one of the girls and fled Mr Wheeler and 8heriff James Ewing upon whose place the Wheelers live left Monday for Dayton Big Track Meet Tomorrow The annual Track and Field Meet of the Kentucky fnterrolleglate Athletic Association will be held here on Wedneadiyr afternoon at 3 o'clock with I'nlveralty of Louisville Transylvania Berea Georgetown Centre and Kentucky Wesleyan aa contestants This promises to be one of the clos-e and most exciting meets ever held In Kentucky In a majority of the events the result la very uncertain so evenly matched are the entries according to all advance notices Lotilavllle will be represented by a strong well balanced team and baa bright prospects of winning the moat points although she will doubtless he closely preMsed by Berea Transylvania and Georgetown Given fair day and a fast track some records should fall aa the entries In all the eventa are known quantities and capable of performing much better than the average The entries are: Transylvania Hunter Omer Crawford fmamura' Shaffer Yarborough Lykens Dutt Arnett II Arnett Mo-Laughlln and Barbee University of Ford Foster McAullffe Bowman Brocker Mattingly Daniels and Broberovltrh Centre Joplin Johnston Akers Coleman and Garrison Galbraith Powers Roberts Fenwick Crouch Walker Tester Childs Britt Marsh and Spink Atkinson Cowlea Porter Goaley laiyman Tomerlln Powers Bpragena Martin Hale Anderaon Bratcher iTenklns Luttrell Blackburn Adams Acton Harris Sisk Bowmar and Ballou Big Sunday School Day With several of the county churches till not heard from It appears that Scott County will roll up more than the 6000 asked for in a GoTo-Sunday School The enrollment from the County rhttrehea follows: Sadlevllle Christian 208: Methodist and Baptist combined 62 Corinth church 147 White Sulphur Union 189 Stamping Ground Baptist 190 Christian 180 Oxford Christian 10- Presbyterian 40 Methodist 25 Tttr-keyfoot Christian 74 Porter Christian 69 Dry Run Baptist 129 Newtown Christian 130 Great Crossings Baptist 206 Long Lick Baptlat 80 Colored Baptlat of 69 Tha report from the First Christian Church of Georgetown announced In Herald should have given an enrollment of 615 the numbers having been Inverted John Pollard Burial Today The body of John Pollard who died Sunday at the home of hfa sister-in-law Mrs Alma Browning was taken Monday to hla old home beyond Cyn-thlana where It will be laid to rest Tuesday In the family hnrlal grounds Mr Pollard haa been making hla home here for the peat two yearn He waa 87 years oLsge and waa the last surviving member of a family of ten children The Masons will conduct the funeral Christian Endeavor te Moot The Christian Endeavor Society of the First Christian Church will have an Informal gathering Tuesday evening fnthe parlor of the church to which the public la Invited Missionary Society to Moot The Missionary Society of the Baptist Church' wll meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs Frank Thomason Try a Herald Want neral piano recital I Tuawlar afternoon May SO 1 1 -Luncheon for graduates and fcculty Tuesday evening Hay 30 neral piano rodta) Wednesday evening May 21 -Commencement exercises The address to the graduates will ke made by Mrs A llarrlsou of Islington All the above exercises will be bald at the Koras School ex-ctpt the commencement exercises Wednesday evening May 31 which Vlll be at the Methodist Church All patrons and rrlends of the ichool are cordially Invited to attend Wise entertainments Personals News of Paris Mrs Louise Fletcher of Wisron-lia who has been the guest of Mra 0 Illnton has gone to Islington ts vUlt Prof Freeman and family Mrs Burnaugh of North Mid-Ustown wss a guest nr Paris friends Monday over night enroute to Cyn-Ihiana for a visit Mrs Lizzie Moore of Lexington ts lbs guest of her father Mr Con-sell for the marriage of her niece Klee Llzsette Parker and Mr Don Sclilosser of Coliimbtie Mise Mary Roe who has been attending the State Normal school at Richmond Is vliltlng her sister Aire A Thompson on Stoner Avenue' Mr Edward Spears has returned from a trip to Alameda Cal RICHMOND MAN IS s- ACCIDENTALLY shot Itolirrt Shackelford (Jets a liullft In- Side From Tolu Hoolry's a llll (3oeUil to Tho Herald)' RICHMOND Ky May H-Whlle feanilllng a pistol this morning Tom Rosley erc'deatvlly shot Robert fhseke ford In the rUle was srrestrd hut It was shown that the hooting was purely accidental and Ji'dsc I'yke held PoIy till Saturday on fl L-cnd for carrying a loaded phtol The funeral services or William Hartrr one ef Madison County's meet pron'inent farmers vho died Saturday follow I np a stroke of paralysis we-e And Feel Flue The'Soap to cleanse and purify the Ointment to sooth and heal ail annoy ing tLin and acalp troubles Sample Each Free by Mall With n-s Bids Book aw mgusst Ad dims pmVevI Dept IMA iMtoib" tiukl throughout Uia world A Symbol of Health The By him or In rut of Anr-ient" Oreero tt ilnii'f fuml pra iicad temperam-e Md purity As a badge they used tho livs pointed star which they regarded aa ymlml uf henlth A red flvo pointed tar appeal a on each package of Tablets anil still fulfils Ita mission as a symbol of health It you are troubled with indigestion bll-kiunex or constipation get a 1 package the Tablets from your druggist You ill In- surprised at the quick relist which they aford Obtainable every-litre adv YOUR most pleasant recollection of Washington win be the delicious meals comfortable accommodations aid refined environment you found at TSe GRAFTON TERMS (American Flan) fade Ream 1 nr Roam fr Public Buth Mj ay 831 te S80 per week far Two Dm Me Room and Bath He Twe per $BO $70 pee wwk vrtwBd Room and Bath for ter $70 te $100 per week Harris (ten Mills ummer Season Saranae Inn Wtr Isranae Lake Adtreadseha tUtringtn MM Sfaaaar 'ERHANy is told NOTE IS ACCEPTED (Continued from Pace Onal Government of tho United States box Insisted "Throughout tho months which have elapsed since tha Imperial Government announced on February 4 1916 its submarine policy now happily abandoned tha Government of the United States has been constantly guided and restrained by motives of friendship in Its patient efforts to bring to an amicable settlement the critical questions arising from that policy Accepting the Imperal declaration of Its abandonment of the policy which hoa so seriously menaced the good relations between the two countries the Government of the United States will rely upon a scrupulous execution henceforth of the now- altered policy of the Imperial Government such aa will remove the principal danger to an interruption of the good relations existing between the United States and Germany "The Government of the United States feels it necessary to state that It takes It for granted that tha Ini perlal German Government does not Intend to Imply that the matntalnence of Its newly announced policy Is In any way contingent upon the course or result of diplomatic negotiations between the Government of the United States and any other belligerent government notwithstanding the fact that certain passages In the Imperial Government's note of the fourth instant might appear to be susceptible of that construction In order however avoid any possible misunderstanding the Government of the United States notifies the Imperial Government that It cannot for a moment entertain much lest discuss a suggestion that respect by German naval authorities for the rights of citizens of the United Statm upon the high seas should in any way or Id the slightest degree be made contingent upon tho conduct of another government affecting the rights of nentrals and non-combatants Responsibility In such matters Is single not joint absolute not Lansing Discusses Answer Mr statement made public after the note waa on Its way to Berlin follows: "The greater part of the German answer Is devoted to matters which this government can not discuss with the German government The only questions of right which can be discussed with that government are those arising out of Its action or out of our own and In no event those question which are the subject of diplomatic exchanges between the United States and any other country "The essence of tho answer Is that Germany yields to our representation with regard to the right of merchant ships and non-combatants on the high seaa and engages to observe the recognized rules of International law governing naval warfare In using her submarines against merchant ahlpa So long 'she ltvea up to this altered policy we can have uo reason to quarrel with her on that score though the losses resulting from the violation of American rights by German submarine commanders operating under the former policy will have to be settled Great Britain Not In It "While our differences with Great Britain can not for ma subject of discussion with Germany It ahonld be stated that In our dealings with the British government we are acting aa we are unquestionably hound to act In view of thf explicit treaty engagements with that government "We have treaty obligations as to the manner In which matters In dispute between the two governments are to be handled We offered to assume mutually similar obligations with Germany but the offer waa declined When however the subject In dispute Is a continuing menace to American lives It Is doubtful whether such obligations apply unless the menace Is removed during the pendency of the The treaty with the British government referred to Is the convention negotiated by former Secretary of State William Bryan under which the two nations agree that any dispute arising shall be submitted to an Investigating commission for one yenr before entering Into hostilities An offer to enter Into such a treaty with Germany brought a request for Information but formal negotiations never were instituted Hops It Will End Discussion The hope that the note might end the discussion regarding the conduct of submarine warfare tonight waa entertained by some officials and by some persons In close touch with affairs at the German embassy Should this prove true no more ahlpa carrying American cltlxens being sunk In violation of the principles of international law the way would be cleared tor the renewal of negotiations for the settlement of the Lnsltiana Sussex Arablo and other pending rases growing out of Illegal submarine attacks In other official quarters however there apparently waa uncertainty regarding the result which the note might have A new crisis It was pointed out would arise should Germany make a rejoinder to the communication and Insist that its hew policy Is contingent upon the United States making certain demands upon Great Britain JAPAN CROWN PRINCE IS SIXTEEN YEARS OLD HIrohIto the Crown Prince will probably lie proclaimed heir apparent to the throne of Japan on October 31 the anniversary of Emperor Yoshlhlto Ills Imperial Hlgbnesa haa Juat attained the age of sixteen and the coming ceremony la to mark the end of hla boyhood and his entrance to the career of early manhood He will then be admitted to the social clrcla of the court In an Interview on baking pewdor Marian Cole Klsher Chautauqua lecturer and at that time special chairman Of ths Balnt Paul Housewives Los run and an active member stated as follows: find many In feet vary many woman woefully uninformed on ths sub- iect of baking powder Evidently ths lousswlfs does not appreclsts ths value of bsklnr powder In her kitchen and in her baking or sha would havs Informed herself Thle Is a subject that is quite Important great many of tho housewives today ns vs followed their mothers or Jrandmothers in the use of baking power which in some Instances Is a mistake There has been Just as much improvement in baking powder os In other commodltl'- 1 am glad to find that baking powder haa kept up with the times -Some housewives have been led to believe that the cream of tartar powders are ths beat goods to use This is a mistake resulting no doubt from the constant efforts of tha Twenty Million Dollar Baking Powder Trust to crests a prejudice against all goods save their own Their goods should he least desirable on account of tho Isrgs quantities of Rochelle Balts remaining in tha food other extreme la tha cheap and itg baking powders which sell way from ten cents a pound to a Shea and EM Bltterman Jr Other who will go will bring the total up to twenty-flve Tbe badge contain a large design of a "red head with tbe following Inscription: "Lexington want yon In 1917 Board of Commerce and were furnished by the local Board of Commerce through Secretary Burch who has signified his intention of going to Frankfort to Extend a personal Invitation to the convention If necessary If Lexington secures the meeting It will mean the presence of 600 or 600 delegates In the city for a stay of probably two day COURT DAY BRINGS MANY TO LEXINGTON The good weather brought a large crowd to town yesterday to attend court day and sales of stock were brisk on Cheapslde Army buyers were In evidence on the etreet and although there were more -than the usual number of horses on ths market very few were purchased the cause for slow sales being the mediocre quality of the offerings Merchants of the city reported an unusually good business even for court day and money seemed to be plentiful among the fanners The condition of the court dsy trad has long been taken by merchants as a sure barometer of prosperity or herd times and the easy condition of money at (Continued freer mas nnoi While nothing official waa given out at headquarters concerning the report that the chase of the bandits will aa-t ume the magnitude of a second punl- tlve expedition officers were frank In saying auch waa probably the only logical course to be followed NO AGREEMENT 18 REACHED EL FASO Texas May 8 conference between General Hugh LI Scott General Fred Funston on one side and General Alvaro Obregon Mexican minister of war and Juan Amador sub-secretary of foreign affairs on the other ended late today without an agreement having been reached regarding the statua of the American troops in Mexico It was Indicated however that efforts to effect an under standing had not been abandoned and that another' conference would be held Today'i meeting took place in General private car on the American aide When or where the next meeting would be held was not disclosed When General Obregon returned to i Juarex in hts touring car he was ask- ed: "Is the conference He smiled shrugged his shoulders snd replied: "It Is Just Refuse to Discuss Meeting A McQuatters president of the Alvarado Mining and Smelting Company was against present at the meeting of the American and Mexican representatives Neither he nor any of the others would discuss- what had taken place In El Faso tonight the feeling grew that the situation had taken on added gravity following the bandit raid In the Big Bend district It was reported on good authority that moot of today's conference had to do with the raid and the steps to be taken to disperse baksdlts In northern Coabulla New demands were presented to the Mexican representatives It was asld which would Include the co-operation of the Mexican and American troops In districts not hitherto touched In the negotiations Whatever the reply of the Mexican Minister of War it waa evident that he wished to gain more time Tho conference began at 4:55 and ended in Jnst an hour and flfteeen minutes Tonight more telegraphic conversation between General Obregon and General Carranza at the provisional capital took place The conferees could be seen through the window of General Scott's private car throughout the meeting General Obregon shrugged hla shoulders now and then and shook his head Generals Scott and Funston appeared determined and at times spoke animatedly Sub-secretary Amador following the conference announced teat no deci-rion had been reached and that another meeting probably would be held LOCAL RED MEN TRY TO LAND NEXT MEET Lexington Delegation 25 Strong Leaves for Frankfort Today With letters of invitation from tha Board of Commerce and' Mayor Rogers twenty-flve members of the Mlantonomo Tribe No 1 Improved Order of Red Men wearing appropriate badges will go to Frankfort today to make a strong effort to have Lexington selected as tha 1917 meeting place of the Great Chiefs of tha order In session there today and tomorrow Only rast Sachems of the order are permitted to attend and eight have already signified their Intention of going They are Smith the regularly- appointed representative 1 Murphy 8 Bell Joseph Reeves Likens Maher WOMEN OF KENTUCKY Newport Ky "I have had a very good experience with 'Favorite Pi-Unriptkm' I was 'dragged oat and an severely sick with female trouble that I waa down hi bed end bed to give up all work 1 did not get any strength from anything Then 1 read of what Dr Pierre'a Favorite Prescription was doing for others and my husband procured two Dot-tlre of Prescription at tbe drag store I got stronger at earn and tha use of two bottles brought me up from my rick bed and put me on my feet I have had no return of the trouble rinoe This waa some ten veers Mu Namct Sandsbs 338 Central Ave Thousands of women right here in Kentucky who are now blessed with robust health cannot understand why thou wands' of other women oontinue to vrosry nod suffer from ailments peculiar to woman when they con obtain for a trifling sum Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription which will surely and quickly banish all pain distress and misery and restore the womanly functions to perfect health Young mother who preserve the charms of face and figure spite of an increasing family and the cere of growing children are always to be envied Dorter Favorite Prescription gives the strength and health upon which happy motherhood depends It practically does away with the pains of maternity It enables the mother to nourish the infant life depending cm her and enjoy tha hourly happiness of watching the development of a perfectly healthy child Sick headache biliousness rastiveneaa and all derangements of the fiver stomach and bowels are relieved prevented by Dr Haunt Pellets County Superintendent II Brock ns announced the dates for the diploma eliminations for 1" wrmdm pupils white and rolor-nd May 13 and i i white teachers rounty certificate examination will be held Friday and (Saturday May 19 and 20 and teachers rounty certificate examine- Ti11 be hd end Saturday May 26 and 27 All examinations will be held In Richmond The Annual May Festival of the Bastern Kentucky state Normal TKifc0 begin Thursday May 11 Tnih la the largest event In the' school year and every department of both the model and Normal school will be represented AH the exercises are held on the campus grounds and are attended ty people from the entire rounty and many parts of the State Allen If faring has returned from a business trip to Louisville hsrles Is out again after a week's lllnevs of malarial fever Sir and Mrs Middleton attended the DeLong-Marr wedding In Lexington Saturday night Covington Morgan Taylor and FI Terrill were In Lexington today attending the rares tireat senior Sagamore 1 Sexton accompanied by about twenty-flve Red Men left today to attend the annua! Great Counril of Kentucky which convenes In Frankfort tomorrow Mr Sexton probably will be raised to the office of Great Sachem PRIMARY KNIFE USER PARDONED BY STANLEY Eli Ititrhic I- Relieved of Penalty Imposed by Nicholas Jurv (Spselal te The Herald) CARLISLE Ky Msy Eli Ritchie who was aentenced In the Nirholaa Circuit Court to alx montha In the Nirholaa County Jail and fined $3u0 an a result of a rutting acrape In which Rltrhle participated at the Store voting percinct In August 1913 when the primary election waa being held haa been pardoned by Governor Stanley All previous records In Sunday School attendance for the varioue Sun-! day Schools In Carlisle were broken on Go-to-Sunday-Hchool Day The attendance at the varioue churches was Christian Church 83d Methodist 436 Baptist 104 Treabyterlan 106 The contest between the Young Bible Class of Carlisle Christian Church and the Bible Class of Cynthlana Is attracting considerable attention The attendance In the two classes for Sunday waa Car-rllse 270 Cynthlana 20G The returns on the contest to date give Carlisle the lead by eight points with the contest to continue three Sundays Dr A Canfield president of Centre College Danville will deliver a lecture at the school chapel Thursday evening May 11 WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash tha polaona and toxins from systam beforw putting mora food Into otomaeh Says Inalds-bathlng makes any-' on look and fast clean awaat and rafrashad Wash yourself on the Inside before breakfast like you do on the outside This lx vastly more Important because the akin pores do no absorb Impurities Into the blood causing Hlnexi wlille tha bowel pores do For ery ounca of food and drink taken fn to tho stomach nearly an ounce or waste material muat be carried out of the body If this waste material Is not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates poisons gazes and toxlna which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood tream through the lymph ducts which should at'-ck only nourishment to ana- tain the body A splendid health measure la to drink before breakfast each day class of real hot water with a tea-spoonful of llmeatone phosphate In It which harmless way to wash these polaonx' gases and toxlnx from the stomach Hver kidneys and bowels thin cleansing aweetenlng and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach A ousrter pound of limestone phosphate coat but very little at the drag tore but la sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast on Inside-bathing Men and women who are sccoatemed to wake ur with a dnl1' have furred tongue had Bsty breath aallow complexion others who bare bilious attacks acid atomacb or constipation are nonoced improvement In both health and appearance shortly (Advt) Backing Our judgment 4 We believe the people of Lexington and tral Kentucky will welcome into the electrical field a firm who have confidence enough in themselves to make this proposition: We will take your contract for any kind of electrical work no matter how large We will complete same promptly and to your entire satisfaction We will have the work inspected and approved by the inspector for the board of fire underwriters before we will ask you to pay us ouc cent on the contract You certainly cannot make a mistake in letting your contract to a firm who will take it on this basis Wc assume all risks Be sure to get our hid before letting your electrical work BEARD LYONS CO (Incorporated) Phones 235 Main St AGENTS FOR WESTINGHOUSE MOTORS HEED THE WARNING IF YOU HAVE A COUGH Tbs rierp-sestffl roush that dow not yield to ordinary treatment may lead to distressing pulmonary troubles Or It may bring on a ehronlc bronchial affection Many persona now Incapacitated might have avoided aurh disastrous results by timely cars and efficient medical treatment Among the latter Bikman'e Alterative hee an enviable record It la a llme-bearlng preparation which esilly assimilated In most Instances Where used In connection wth nourishing food and proper living It has given widespread relief it- freedom from poisonous or hahit-formlng drugs of any nature whatsoever renders It safe to try And- Its content of calcium gives It tonic value At your druggist- Eckman Laboratory Philadelphia Rheumatism tf you are troubled with chronic or niiscular rheumatism give Chamberlain's a trial The relief from pain -hich It affords Is slone worth msny rms ita cost- Obtainable everywhere.
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