Security Breach x Blind Child Y/N - Starlight_4634 (2024)

Chapter 1: Information


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Y/N = Your name
L/N = Last name
F/S = Favorite song
F/F = Favorite food
F/D = Favorite drink
F/C = Favorite color
S/C = Skin color
H/C = Hair color
H/L = Hair length
H = Height
F/N = Friend name
S/F/C = Second favorite color
F/B = Favorite book
A/N = Authors note
Normal text = Y/N
Underlined text = Sun
Tilted text = Moon
Bold text = Any animatronic
Bold and underlined text = Gregory
Tilted and underlined text =Freddy
Bold and tilted = One of the Aftons
Bold, tilted, and underlined = Dad or another human being

Y/N facts
Smart for their age, lives with their Dad(Mark), very shy, homeschooled for 4 years(started at 5 after an incident), doesn't have many friends
Likes: Candy, Dad, Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex
Dislikes: being alone, people at times
Hates: being blind for long periods of time, contacts lenses

Y/N was blind since birth but with a special ability, they could "see" in a way. They could see if they made sound like taping on a wall or walking around on hard surfaces(will explain more in A/N). They don't know what happened to their mother their father never told them. They often had earmuffs or a blindfold for when they where at school so people wouldn't be creeped out(you don't have irises or pupils)

355 words


I don't have very good grammar please tell me if there is an error.

More info about how Y/N can "see"
So Y/N "seeing" is like a bat at night with echo location but in color like if they could actual see. It's like if they made a small amount of noise then they could see like 5 feet away but if they like tapped or punched a wall then they could see the whole room and everything connected to the wall inside like the floor and ceiling. This rarely happens but sometimes they could see ghosts, or souls.(this will make more sense in the future… maybe)

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - Arrival


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

7:30 AM

(Y/N POV) I woke up at 7:30 to "see" my dad before he left for work, it felt like a normal day for me until I heard dad calling for me.

"Y/N are you up! We have to go."
I heard dad say. I got really confused about where we'll be going until I remembered that we were going to Freddy Fazbears Pizzaplex. Once I realized that I got up really quickly rubbing the sleep from my eye at the same time. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my H/L H/C hair, and picked my F/C shirt and sweatpants I also grabbed a S/F/C jacket because it was November. I rushed down the stairs 2 at a time and turned the corner to the kitchen to "see" dad cooking eggs and bacon on the stove. "Morning sweetie." he said with a smile.

"Morning dad!" I answered. "I packed your bag for Fazbears." "Thanks dad," I said "I'm going to check that everything's there." I ran over to my bag that was propped up on the chair, it was a F/C bag with F/S written on the front and many pockets inside. I open the bag to "see" my flashlight, backup and backup backup phones, lunchbox, and F/B also inside.

Everything was there except... "hey dad," I ask as he came over to the table with 2 plates of eggs and bacon, one for me, one for him. "Yes honey?" He asked "Where are my F/C earmuffs?" I asked as I start to eat my breakfast.

"I don't know maybe it's in your room" he answered. "I'll go check!" I said as i scarfed down the remains of my breakfast. "Slow down," he said chuckling. "You'll get a stomach ache." I giggled, slowing down. I finished my breakfast, placed my plate in the sink then ran upstairs. "Come down soon we need to leave in 5 minutes!" dad yelled. "Ok" i yelled back as I ran into my room "looking" for my earmuffs. I eventually found them on the table drawer next to my bed, I also grabbed my S/F/C blindfold so that the other kinds don't see my eyes. I ran back down stairs with both things in hand and saw my dad putting his shoes on with my bag next to him.

"I found them!" I said as i ran-jumped down the stairs. He smiled and told me to put my snickers on, I nodded and slipped my shoes on. He opened the door and I raced out the door with him close behind. I hope in and buckle my seatbelt on. As dad started the car he put my F/S on as he drove out the driveway as I started jumping in my seat


7:55 AM We pull up to the Fazbears parking lot and I ripped my seatbelt off. But before I could get out the car dad stopped me. "I think you're forgetting something." he said raising an eyebrow. I thought for a moment before realizing I forgot to put on my earmuffs and blindfold. I quickly do that, put my bag on and jumped out. Dad held my hand as we walked inside the Pizzaplex. The smell of pizza was everywhere , it was overwhelming, and I loved it. Dad got the guest passes and the daycare pass for me. He led me to the slide to the daycare. He checked in with the desk lady and said something to her that I didn't hear.

"You can take the blindfold off once your down the slide ok?" He said. "Ok." I said nodding. "Now I need to go now ok?" he asked "OK." I answered, eager to enter the daycare.

"Now I'll see you later on tonight to pick you up!" he said. We said our goodbyes before I turn to where I think the slide is and went down the slide that was in fact there.


This fic is/was inspired by another fic on Wattpad yet I still don’t remember the user :(

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 - Sun

Chapter Text

7:55 AM


I slid down the slide into a ball pit. I take off my S/F/C blindfold and "looked" at the 5 feet of space I could see because I caused so much sound when entering the ball pit. The slide I came out from was rainbow in color and so where the balls in the ball pit. I could hear lots of yelling and kids running around the place. I heard someone swimming through the ball pit towards me but because I could only "see" so far I couldn't see them. I started walking forwards in hops of "seeing" them. Suddenly I "saw" metal hands coming towards me. They were yellow with red ribbons at the wrist, on the ribbons there was a bell on each.

The hands picked me up and I heard an energetic voice following with a circular face with a smile what could blind anyone that looked too long at them.(not that it could hurt me) He had spikes that make them look like a cartoon sun. "HELLO, new friend, welcome to the daycare." He said. He stopped talking and started to looks bit sad. "Can you see me?" He asked with a frown. I didn't know if I should tell him the truth or not but I decided to tell him since he's taking care of me and everybody else, and because I didn't like "seeing" him sad. "I can "see" you, in a way." I said, he seemed surprised that I could "see." "Really!?!" He said sounding really happy. I nod in response a smile on my face.

He started to walk out of the ball pit as he held me to his chest. He introduced himself as Sun or Sunny. I told Sunny that my name was Y/N. "What a beautiful name sunshine." he said with his bright smile "What would you like to do," he said placing me on my feet "We could finger paint, draw to our minds content, read a book in the story corner, play on the play place, or run around with friends." He said happily.

"Can I read in the story corner." I asked interested in what kind of books they have here. "Of course you can," he said happily "I'll show you where it is." He showed me to a corner with two other kids siting on beanbag chairs. There were two book shelves next to the chairs. Most of them look like picture books although i did "see" a few chapter books in there. "This is the story corner and these are Conor and Millie, Conor, Millie this is Y/N they will be joining you here." Sunny said as he introduced the two kinds there.

Conor looked like he was 11-12 and Millie looked like she was 7-8. "Hello." Millie said happily, "hi." Connor said quietly hiding behind the Harry Potter book he had in his hands. "Hello" I said waving one hand on my bag strap. "You can sit with me." Millie said patting the beanbag next to her. Sun had already left because a kid fell out of one of the play places. "In a minute I want to pick a book." I said pointing to the book shelves. Although I had my F/B in my bag, I've read it many times over and has memorized every word inside.

I "looked" at the books on the shelf and started to scan through it. There were many books to pick from, lots of interesting ones, there was some Harry Potter books, books full of fairytales, short story books, and some other books that I can't remember, in the end I pick Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone.

I grabbed the book and went back to Millie. "Found a good book?" She asked as I sat down "yeah." I said smiling. "What book is it?" Millie asked, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone" I replied happily. 'Maybe she'll be my new friend' I thought. She was nice, nicer than my last friend in first grade. We continued to read and talk about what was happening in our books, eventually Conor joined us. I learned that Conor and Millie are siblings, Conor was 11 and Millie is 8, a year younger than me, we decided that we would be friends and would keep in touch. Conor was the only one with a phone and phone number since he is the oldest. We traded numbers and would chat once we leave.

Time skip 1:30 PM


"Everyone, it's time for lunch!" Sunny yelled as he came over to help me across the room to were the lunch area is. "Alright who wants pizza or fizzy faz!" He said pulling out several boxes of pizza. We cheered as he handed out slices of pizza and cups. I opened my bag and grabbed my lunch, is was a F/F and F/D. I ate with Millie and Conor who both got pizza and fizzy faz. Once we finished We left to return to the reading corner.

Time skip 8:37 PM


"Conor, Millie it's time to go!" I heard Sunny say, "Your mom is here!" "Coming!" Conor said "Come on Millie we need to go." "Ok..." Millie said frowning. "Bye Millie"I said, sad to see my new friends go. "bye Y/N" they said at the same time. I "watched" them leave my line of sight, I'm surprised that they didn't question why I don't have pupils or irises. 'Maybe they weren't paying attention' I thought, it was the only thing that made sense. "Y/N, can you "see" me yet!?" I heard Sunny say as they stepped into my line of sight.

I nod smiling, I think he asked because he doesn't know how I "see", I don't know exactly either. "What is it Sunny?" I ask curious on why he's here, I could hear 5 other kids running around. "It's 8:40 aren't you tired, you've been reading and talking for 13 and 1/2 hours nonstop now." He said concern in his voice. 'I've been talking and reading for 13 and 1/2 hours?!' I thought surprised that I sat there for so long. "No, I'm not tired" I replied "alright, you sure?" He asked I nodded again "Ok but would you like to play in the play place then Y/N?" He asked. I nodded putting the book back, it be nice to get up and run around in the play place.

He led me to the nearest play place then ran as someone tried to eat a crayon. I ran up the play place , once at the top I took off my F/C earmuffs and stuffed them in my bag I looked around and realized that the last 4 kids have left since I couldn't hear them anymore. I knocked on the tower and stomped on the floor a bit, I then "looked" around. Being able to "see" the whole place is amazing, I "saw" the last kid leaving but before they could leave, they smacked the light switch with a flashlight, breaking the light switch and shutting off the lights. Sun looked like he was panicking, he slammed the door and locked it, then, he fell back behind the security desk screeching in pain.

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 - Moon


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

8:42 PM


I waited for Sun to get up but instead of Sunny there was a Moon man that looked a lot like him. He looked around then looked up at me, smiled, and started giggling a creepy laugh. I got back down on the tower, almost crying. 'Who is that, where is Sunny, and why is the Moon man so creepy.' I thought, shaking. I was crying now. 'I need to get to a different place before he gets here.' I thought brushing the tears away, trying not to make a sound as I went down, there was wrappers and plush toys everywhere. I tried not to hit any as I crawled through the play place, I was still shaking as I got to the other side of the play place. The Moon man that I "saw" was in the air now.

He had red glowing eyes and stars on his pants instead of stripes like Sunny, he was blue and whitish instead of orange and yellow in color. He was heading to the tower that I was at before, I "looked" around at the space I was in. There was something at the end of the play place, I crawled over and studied it. It was a generator, I pressed the red button and "saw" that it changed to green. 'This might be how I can get the lights on' I thought. I looked around and "saw" a cord that was going in a different direction. It was a green cord, I started to follow it. I remembered that I have a flashlight but decided not to take it out incase he saw it.

(Moon POV)

The light were off, finally, I'm out, I'm finally out! I got up quietly incase any kids were around and not in bed. I looked around then up as I felt eyes on me. I smiled wider and giggled creepily, looks like someone's trying to stay up late. They ducked back into the tower and I got the hook on before flying up towards the tower, giggling as I went. once there, there was no one there. I stood confused. 'Was I hallucinating? Was there never a child here? Am I going crazy?' I thought as I stood there. It has been a while since I've been out because of the virus, but that disappeared 2 weeks ago. Suddenly I heard the generator turn on below me. I looked over the side and say the child following the green cord to the next generator. 'I see, the child's trying to turn the lights back on.' I thought giggling a bit. 'This will be fun.' I thought before jumping off the tower and flying through the air again.

9:10 PM


I "looked" around a bit, scared now because I couldn't "see" where the next generator was now that I've made a lot less noise, the 5 feet radius was closing in as i followed the now yellow cord. I don't like the dark, I don't like not being able to "see". There are 3 generators that I've turned on, the yellow one being the fourth.

As I follow the cord into the play place again, my vision starts to fade, then everything turns black.

I stop in my tracks, not wanting to make any noise even though I needed to to "see" I felt around and found the cord following it inside the play place the generator was easier than the last as it was I the entrance. The feel around for the button scared that the moon man would find me. I press the button and waited. Nothing. No sound that the lights were turning on soon. 'That means there is a fifth one.' I though still at the fourth generator. I sat next to the generator, hands wrapped around my knees facing what ever was in front of me. I was crying now. 'Maybe if I stay here and stay quiet he won't see me.' I thought trying to calm my thoughts.

I knew it was a lie. He would find me eventually. There's nothing I can do now that I've lost my way to "see" now that I've stopped moving.

(Moon POV)

I watched the child as they tried to look for the fourth generator when suddenly, they stopped, they seem to be in shock or surprised about something. 'It couldn't be me I wasn't making any noises, and I was also still in the air, so what could it be.' I thought still looking at them. While trying to figure out why they stopped, they start looking for the cord, or, it seems like their looking for the cord.

They soon found it and continued following it, I slowly began to lower myself down on the floor and follow them quietly. They found the generator, pressed the button, and waited.

Nothing happened.

At this point I was inside the play place wondering what their going to do next. They seem to realize that nothing happened. 'Of course nothing happened this is only the fourth one.' I thought waiting to see their next move. I thought they would go find the last one but they just moved to the corner, sat down facing me, hand to their knees, and started to cry. I was surprised they seem to have given up hope. I sat there facing them wondering when they'll see me in front of them.

They don't seem to notice, and just sat there staring into space. I started to study their face, they looked like any other kid, except for their eyes. They had no pupils or irises at all. No color to their milky eyes and probably, no vision.

They were blind.

I was shocked. I thought that they could see me judging by how they reacted earlier when I spotted them.

I didn't know what to do. I was originally going to follow them around then put them to bed without harming them. But know I don't know what to do or how to react. So I do the only thing I can I start crawling towards them.

9:14 PM


I sat there waiting for my demise as I wait for the moon man to show up. A few minutes have passed before I heard something or someone crawling towards me. I, not being able to "see" any more, shivered slightly at the sound. The noise stopped then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched and tried to "shut" my eyes. The hand that, I believed to belong to the Moon man, seem to hesitate after I flinched, then I felt him sit next to me. I was scared to move incase this was a trap. He sat next to me and pulled me closer, I was very hesitant but eventually relaxed. I started to feel really tired, I usual get tired whenever I finish crying. I tried to stay awake but eventually fell asleep.

9:16 PM

(Moon POV)

They fell asleep on me. I would move them to the nap time area but I don't want them to panic anymore since they seem like their blind. I can still hear sun yelling at me right now, he's trying to say something but I can't hear because of how loud it is. "Sunny, brother, slow down, I can't hear you." I said, he seemed to calm down then started talking again. "Moon, don't hurt them ok," he said "also they can "see" in a way." I raised an face plate confused. "What?" I asked "they can "see" by making noise depending on how loud and far the sound travels." "You mean like bats and echo location at night?" I was still confused but things were starting to make sense. "Yes but in color." he said. "I see." This is still confusing but at least they aren't fully blind, at least they can "see". I stood or rather crouched with them in my arms. I exited the play place and went to the nap time area and placed them on the mat. I grab a pillow, blanket, took their bag, and laid them down on the mat placing their head on the pillow and covered them with the blanket. I made sure that they were comfortable and asleep before I left to fix the light switch.


Hellllllo :D
It's me uh so in this story Sun and Moon are brothers in the same body.
Moon does have the glitchtrap virus but it like flickers like it happens every once in a while like a switch. it comes and goes and since this happens they can't track the virus back to glitchtrap
Y/N has trauma from past events that maybe later on will be revealed.

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 - Closing Time


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

11:55 PM

(Moon POV)

I've just finished fixing the light switch when the kid woke up. They seem confused, I mean who wouldn't, then they started panicking, looking around probably trying to "see" if- 'idiot! They can't "see" right now they haven't made any noises.' I thought, facepalming myself. I place the light switch back on the wall, as I walk over to them.

11:58 PM


I woke up confused, then realization set in. I was still in the daycare, the lights were still off, and the Moon man found me. The last one sunk and sat in my stomach, he found me.

I was scared, still unable to "see" and since I didn't want him to know that I'm up, I stayed quiet. 'Ok, calm down, let's "see" what's missing and where I am now.' I thought, taking a deep breath. My bags gone, he probably took it, I'm still inside the daycare because I can feel the mats around me. There's pillows and blankets on and around me.

I felt someone in front of me. I couldn't "see" who it was but I'm pretty sure it was probably it was the Moon man. I froze not knowing what to do, he's right there. I felt hands picking me up, and held me close to the Moon man's chest. "I know you’re up, it's ok, I won't hurt you." He said. His voice was different instead of a raspy and harsh voice, it was soothing and calming. I don't know if I can trust him but, I don't know what else to do.

"Who are you?" I said trying to keep my voice from shaking. "I'm Moon or Moonrise or anything like that." He replied. 'Moon, like Sun and Moon.' I thought. I could "see" him a bit now, his face looked like Sunny's but without the rays, and was whitish where the Crescent moon is with a dark blue where the moon Isn't. His eyes are now a calming blue color instead of red.

"Can you put me down please?" I asked. He placed me on my feet and I "looked" around. We were at the pick up area next to the security desk. I was studying the place when suddenly the intercom came on. "The mega Pizzaplex has officially closed, nighttime protocols activating." The intercom stated. 'It's closed, the Pizzaplex is closed now. Dad can't pick me up until 6AM.' I thought, realization hitting hard.

(Moons POV)

I listened to the intercom, it's 12AM now and they must have realized that their parent or guardian can't pick them up.

They seem sad. Sad that they were left behind.

I patted them on the back as they started to cry. I picked them up and held them close, as they cried. The wire came down as I started to sing a lullaby in hopes to calm them:

Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end

Sun digs its heels to taunt you

But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same

Rises the moon

They slowly stopped crying, now listening to the lullaby.

Days fade into a watercolour blur

Memories swim and haunt you

But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke

Rises the moon

They've calmed down, almost sleeping now.

Oh-oh, close your weary eyes

I promise you that soon the autumn comes

To darken fading summer skies

Breathe, breathe, breathe

Days pull you down just like a sinking ship

Floating is getting harder

But tread the water, child, and know that


Rises the moon

I ended the lullaby, bringing them to me and Sun's room in the tower. I brought them over to my room, the hole in the wall with 2 giant colored blocked in front of. I placed them on the mattress before leaving. I don't know when there parent or guardian will pick them up, but I'll watch over them until then.

Time skip to when Moon finally turned the light on


1:39 AM

(Sun POV)

"Finally, ow." I said once the light came back on. "Moon stop screaming it hurts!" He stopped screaming and now I can think. Moon had put Y/N to bed again. 'I need to clean the daycare.' I thought looking around at the wrappers, toys, and barrels scattered everywhere. This is going to take a while.


an't say much about this part except it's too short 😭

but if you've heard about the S.A.M.S. or Sun And Moon Show then that's where I got the personalities from since these reactions and interactions aren't canon to the main FNAF storyline (I have see every Sun And Moon Show video there is help🥲)

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 - Gregory

Chapter Text

2:23 AM

(Sun POV)

I've finished cleaning and rearranging the barrels before checking to make sure that Y/N was safe. I use the wire and fly up the the balcony, I look through the hole to find them "looking" around the room. "Sunshine what are you doing?" They've got like 4 hours of sleep how are they so energetic?

They turned around to find me at the hole/doorway "Morning Sunlight." I said. "Morning Sunny," they replied "what time is it?" "It's 2:25 AM." They seemed surprised by that. "Wow, I've never been up this late, ever." I chuckled at that. I looked up hearing something, they seemed to have heard it too. "Stay here I'll see what that was." I said. I looked down at the ball pit, there was someone playing in there. They had brown messy hair, a blue shirt with two stripes in the middle, tan shorts and they had a faz watch. I did my usual performance before jumping into the ball pit with him. He's not supposed to be here.

2:25 AM

(Gregory POV)

I slid down the colorful slide into an equally colorful ball pit. "Gregory have you made it inside the daycare?" Freddy asked from my faz watch. "Yes Freddy I'm here." I answered walking through the ball pit. "Good, have you located the security desk?" "Not yet, I'm still in the ball..." I didn't finish my sentence, up on a balcony an animatronic that looks like a Sun was there. "Ho ho ho" it said before swan diving into the ball pit with me. I walked forward with caution, not knowing if he will hurt me like the others.

As I walked closer he jumped out and held me by the shoulders. "HELLO, new friend, you sure up late, are we having a slumber party!" He said bringing me out of the ball pit towards one of the tables and chairs. "Where are all your friends?" Ouch that hit right in the emotional damage. "We could finger paint, tell scary stories, drink fizzy faz until our heads exPLODE, and stay up all night!" He seemed nice, better than the others. "There is only one rule, keep the lights on ON On." Never mind I spoke too soon.

2:29 AM

(Sun POV)

Even though Moon's glitch has disappeared for now, I couldn't hear him anymore. Usually he'd be saying something like this kid shouldn't be here or he's up too late or something like that. Something's up.

2:30 AM


I "watched" from the balcony as Sunny and the boy were talking, or more like Sunny was talking and he was looking around. I don't know what he's looking for though, might be a lost toy or something.

As I "watched" the boy pushed a neatly stacked barrel tower down. Sun started to panic yelling "What a mess, what a mess, Clean up, Clean up!" The boy then ran to the security desk, probably found what he was looking for.

I decided that I'll help Sunny clean up so, after "looking" down and deciding that I won't break anything falling from that height, jumped off. I don't know why this was a good idea but I did it. I landed in the ball pit with a crash, got up slowly, nothing broken, nothing hurt much, just a few areas. Sunny ran over once he heard the crash. "Are you ok! Does anything hurt, anything broken!!" I shook my head. "I came down to help you set the barrels up again." I said smiling.

"Ok but don't do that next time, you could get seriously hurt!" He said concerned. I nodded. "Where is the boy?" I asked. Sunny looked around before running to the security desk saying something I didn't get. I got up and out of the ball pit and started walking to where Sunny and the boy was.

Out of nowhere the light turned off, plunging us into darkness. My eyes readjusted, I could hear Sunny yelling sounding really scared. I can over to him, Moon wasn't a bad person so why was he so worried.

I "saw" the boy looking at me and the place where sunny fell over. Sunny was now changing on to moon but, something was wrong. Moon had a blue and red eye not two red ones. He looked at me sitting up, his smile was different, more creepy than calming. He lifted a finger to his smile telling me to stay quiet, I complied watching him. He got up and started speaking: "naughty boy, naughty boy, it's past your bedtime you should be punished." He jumped up on the desk hopping on one foot then the other, laughing creepily. "Nighty, night." Was the last thing he said before jumping into the air leaving me and the boy alone.

Chapter 7: Chapter 6 - The Generators


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

2:37 AM

(Gregory POV)

"Gregory I don't know what you did, but the light are off inside the daycare, find a way to turn the light back on." Freddy said, I was still shocked about what happened. That Sun guy just disappeared and then the Moon man was in his place. The Moon man has left by jumping in the air and disappearing into the darkness. I look down to where Sun was and saw the kid that tried to calm Sun "looking" at me. They had H/L H/C hair and F/C shirt with sweatpants. I looked at them and saw that they don't have pupils or irises.

"Hello?" They said coming over to where I was, "Who are you?" They asked. "Im Gregory, and you are?" I asked "I'm Y/N nice to meet you." They said a smile on their face. I had something I wanted to ask but didn't want to sound rude. Tihey seem to know I wanted to ask something because they then said. "You seem like you want to ask me something?"

I don't know if I should ask, but I did because they said I could. "You won't get offended?" "No?" They answered. "I wanted to know if you’re blind?" I said mumbling the last word a bit. They thought for a moment before looking back at me. "I guess you can say that, but I can "see" in a way." They replied. I was going to ask them to explain but after hearing something that sounded like a really creepy laugh decided otherwise.

"Do you know how we can get the lights back on?" They thought for a moment before nodding. "There are generators in the play places, I think there are 5 of them." They said before thinking then nodding. "Yup 5." Great 5 generator to turn on before the Moon man finds us. "We should go find them fast" I said I looked at the wall and saw a Freddy head with a flashlight inside. I grabbed the flashlight and starting to walk out the security desk area.

"Hold on." They said running to the computers, they bent down to the floor under the desk before getting back up with a backpack in hand. They then pulled out a flashlight, it was a nice F/C one. "Ok, now we can go." They said looking at me and swinging their bag over their shoulder. "Let's go" I said "I'll go left you go right will meet at the ball pit scream if you or I've been caught." They nodded and we went our separate ways.

2:40 AM


I was crawling through the play place, flashlight in hand when I heard it, Moon's creepy laughter. I quickly clicked the flashlight off and hid in a corner. 'I just got inside the play place, there's no way that he's here.' I "looked" around a bit before continuing on flashlight on.

I found one generator after almost being caught. I've just turned the second one on when a hand caught my shoulder. I froze. 'There's no way, he's quieter than me.' I thought, I was about to scream when he shoved something into my mouth and pulled me back towards him. I tried to spit it out but he held his hand over my mouth, preventing me from doing so.

The thing in my mouth was sweet, like candy, I started to get tired as I stopped fighting it. I passed out sinking into a dreamless sleep.

(Moon POV)

Y/N started to fall back after i shoved a moondrop candy in they're mouth. As they fell I picked them up and crawled out of the play place. 'They need the sleep.' I thought they need to stay safe for when they're parent/guardian gets back. They can't stay out here, it's not safe.

I look over at the other play place to find the boy staring back at be, his face a mixture of horror and worry. I smile at him and waved before the wire came down and I flew away.

(Gregory POV)

I watched as the Moon man carried Y/N out the play place and up to the balcony. Y/N looked like they're napping but they couldn't be, there's no way they can fall asleep that fast with out drugs.

I sat there and watched at they flew up to the balcony. The Moon man turned again seemingly aware that I'm still staring, pressed a finger to his smile and walked inside. I looked away terrified. The Moon man has Y/N hostage, how can I save them. I looked around my area, I've turned on 2 of the generators. I ran around to see if there was any more in my area. None, I've got them all. I need to check Y/N's side, they might have 1 or 2 turned on. I looked around, they managed to get 2 now we only need 1 more. I look around a bit more before I saw it. The Moon man staring at me through the play place bars.

I jumped. He laughed. I ran and he followed from up top. Suddenly, I see it, the last generator. I ran over and smash the button. I looked around as the lights turn on I look at the moon man to see him staring at me on the ground. He looked at me then started to change into Sun, first the face then the colors.

(Sun POV)

The lights are on, what happened while I was away. Is Y/N ok, and where's that rule breaker.

I looked back up at where Moon was looking to see Gregory staring back at me. I started to walk into the play place yelling "Rule breaker, rule breaker!" He stated to run in the opposite direction, towards the ball pit. I got out the play place just as he started to run up the slide.

"Rule breaker, rule breaker," I caught up to him grabbing him by the arms. "You are banned from the daycare!" He started to try and wiggle free from my grasp. "Wait stop," he started to say, "I need to know if Y/N's ok!" He said still trying to free himself. I froze. "What happened to Y/N?" I asked as he stopped trying to escape. He started to explain what happened as I sat him down on his feet.

"I need to know if they're ok," He said sadly, "please, I can't just leave without knowing." I sighed heading this. "Fine but afterwards you will leave." They nodded after this looking sad.

"You can just ban him from the daycare." Moon said startling me. "Moon, your back?" I said out loud, causing Gregory to look at me confused. "Yup, and since it lasted longer this time, I traced the glitch back and blocked it off, for good this time." He said, I sighed happily, "This is really good news, really good news." I said still causing confusion to Gregory, "You can take care of the kids now no problems!" "They'll still be scared of me."

(Gregory POV)

I watched as Sun started to talk to himself talking about how he can get back to taking care of kids now or something. I tugged his sleeve, he turned to me and stopped talking. "Can we check on Y/N now I'm getting really worried." I said he nodded and picked me back up as a wire with a hook started to descend. It hooked itself to Sun and started to lift us up. We landed on the balcony and once Sun let me down I started to run. I looked around and spotted a hole in a wall room, I climbed in and spotted Y/N on a stary looking bed.

I was about to shake them to wake them when sun placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and he shook his head, "They need sleep they can't be running around or worrying about when their going home." He said, looking down at them.

I looked over at them when suddenly their bag rang. Their bad was propped next to the bed a bit away from them. I grabbed the bag and opened it, inside was 2 phones one of them ringing, a book, a F/C earmuffs and S/F/C blindfold, and an empty lunchbox. I grabbed the phone that was ringing and looked at the caller.

"Conor?" I said out loud. Sun leaned over and pressed the button upon hearing the name. "Hello Y/N you there," Conor asked "It's me Conor we met yesterday." I let him talk some more before Sun answered "Hello Conor I'm sorry to say but Y/N is asleep at the daycare right now." Sun said, Conor went quiet on the phone then asked, "Why are they still at the daycare?" Sun replied to this with "Their parent/guardian didn't pick them up on time so their staying here for now." Conor seemed to understand this because he said, "Oh, ok well when they wake up tell them I said hi." Then ended the call.

I looked up at Sun and saw that they were starring at me. I looked away uncomfortable. I placed the phone pack in the bag when my faz watch turned on with Freddy's voice. Freddy! I almost forgot about him. "Hello Gregory are you still at the daycare?" "Yes Freddy I'm still in the daycare." I responded. "Who are you with then?" "Im with Sun the daycare attendant.""Ok do you have the security badge?" I answered yes and he said that he'll wait for me outside the daycare doors.

Sun tapped on my shoulder looking like he wanted to ask me something. I looked at him waiting for whatever he's going to say.

2:50 AM

(Sun POV)

I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me, knowing that I wanted to ask something. I started with something simple before asking the thing I wanted to ask, "Why are you with Freddy?" He answered that Freddy is helping him leave the Mega Pizzaplex. "Then before you leave," i paused, "could you take Y/N with you?" He nodded and looked at Y/N's sleeping form. I sighed and also looked at Y/N.

"Come on you need to leave now," I said picking him up "you can come back later." They nodded quietly as we started to fly down the balcony with the wire.


For anyone wounding on why sun asked for Gregory to take us with his is because of something on the NEWS that is will show eventually.😃 (I changed this so R.I.P. idea)

This was a great chapter. The original story was supposed to be less traumatic and more wholesome but that was thrown out the window a long time ago.

I’ll post the next few chapters tomorrow or the day after(or you can look on Wattpad for the full story :) )

Security Breach x Blind Child Y/N - Starlight_4634 (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Job: Senior Designer

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.